Building the Content Matrix

Sunday, July 2nd, 2023

I have not been as productive with my content as I should be.

One remedy to this has been to write something everyday, whatever is on my mind. This is sort of my form of Morning Pages (although I also have a long-form morning pages) to get something written out of my head.

The question is whether doing so helps by writing it publicly.

On that, I am sort of doubtful.

However, unlike Morning Pages (note to self: maybe write these in a way I can link to private notes), these are intended to be public and maybe flesh out ideas that I would be comfortably writing publicly or in my Substack essays.

I have been thinking more and more about my Finding Personal Category of One as a possible SubStack newsletter. I don't see how I could every make money writing one, though. The competition is too great and I don't have a super unique advantage to be able to do so.

I do feel like I am able to help other people, perhaps because I have an outsider perspective, but I'm not really sure. I just know that this has been a problem I have had, and I suspect it will just get worse and worse that people need to be able to do this.

One way that I am trying to help myself is to come up with a framework, something I can plan on a weekly or maybe even a monthly basis to help me with content. I have seen some other creators use this concept, and I'm going to give it a go.

Still not sure exactly how to do it, but starting by writing about areas.

Topic Area Headline Question Quote
Point of View
Case Study
Knowledge Well
The Future

How would this work?

I guess for each item I would want to have the core bones done well in advance of actually writing.

Once I have something like this, I may have the content for a week? A month?

Not sure on this yet, but working on it.
