Distribution in an Era of Abundant Content

For the past few months, I've been working on solving one side of the content abundance problem for me -- the consumer.

This has resulted in me building an app (title still to be determine, but right now playing around with TLDR or Higher Signal) that compresses YouTube videos that are taking time for me to digest and compressing them into audios that I can listen to.

The ideal solution is to convert my short 30-minute walks into ways for me to ingest lots of YouTube, perhaps the equivalent of 5-10 hours worth. Instead of sitting in front of the screen, I'm able to get outside, get some sunlight, and still get the key ideas I need.

Content creation through courses, podcasts, substacks will just continue to grow, so one side of the equation for me is to stay competitive and informed.

Especially if I want to start creating content, I'll need to quality input to help inform my output. But spending too much time consuming congests the creative process, which relies on productive output.

My app is also a form of content creation, but now I need to find a way to distribute it.

To start, I'm creating content and using traditional distribution channels, like a Podcast.

Here's an example: