Ethereum Trace API

The Trace API is a feature provided by certain Ethereum clients, such as Go Ethereum (Geth) and OpenEthereum (formerly Parity), that allows for detailed tracing of transactions and contract executions. It provides a way to inspect the internal state and execution of Ethereum transactions and smart contracts.

When a transaction is executed on the Ethereum blockchain, it triggers a series of operations and state changes within the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The Trace API enables developers to access fine-grained information about these operations, including the opcodes executed, memory and storage updates, gas consumption, and more.

Here are a few key points about the Trace API:

  1. Transaction Tracing: The Trace API allows you to trace the execution of a specific transaction, step by step, and retrieve detailed information about each opcode executed, the gas consumed, and the changes made to the EVM state.
  2. Contract Execution Tracing: It provides insights into the internal execution of smart contracts, including the functions called, parameters passed, and any nested calls to other contracts.
  3. Debugging and Analysis: The Trace API is particularly useful for debugging and analyzing smart contract behavior, as it allows developers to inspect the low-level details of contract execution and identify potential issues or optimizations.

Regarding data retrieval, the Trace API can provide information that is not directly stored on the blockchain blocks. While the blockchain blocks contain the transaction data and the resulting state changes, they do not store the intermediate steps and internal execution details of each transaction.

The Trace API retrieves this additional data by replaying the transaction execution within the Ethereum client. It simulates the transaction execution and captures the detailed trace information. This is possible because Ethereum clients maintain a local copy of the blockchain state and can reproduce the state transitions by re-executing the transactions.

Here's a high-level overview of how the Trace API retrieves data:

  1. The Ethereum client, such as Geth or OpenEthereum, maintains a local copy of the blockchain data, including the blocks and the state database.
  2. When a request is made to the Trace API for a specific transaction, the client retrieves the transaction data from the corresponding block.
  3. The client then replays the transaction execution within its local environment, simulating the EVM execution step by step.
  4. During the replay, the client captures the detailed trace information, including the opcodes executed, memory and storage updates, gas consumption, and other relevant data.
  5. The captured trace data is then returned to the caller, providing insights into the internal execution of the transaction.

It's important to note that retrieving trace data can be computationally expensive, as it requires replaying the transaction execution. Therefore, the Trace API is typically used for debugging, analysis, and specialized use cases rather than being relied upon for real-time or high-volume data retrieval.

Also, keep in mind that the availability and specific functionality of the Trace API may vary depending on the Ethereum client implementation you are using.

Ethereum clients, such as Geth and OpenEthereum, maintain a local copy of the blockchain state by downloading and synchronizing with the Ethereum network. This local state allows them to reproduce the state transitions and execute transactions locally. Here's how it works:

  1. Blockchain Synchronization:
    • When an Ethereum client is started, it connects to the Ethereum network and begins synchronizing with other nodes.
    • It downloads the blockchain data, including the blocks and their associated transactions, from its peer nodes.
    • As new blocks are mined and propagated through the network, the client continuously updates its local copy of the blockchain to stay in sync with the network.
  2. State Database:
    • In addition to storing the blocks and transactions, Ethereum clients maintain a state database.
    • The state database is a key-value store that represents the current state of the Ethereum blockchain.
    • It contains information such as account balances, contract code, contract storage, and other relevant data.
    • The state database is updated incrementally as new blocks are processed and transactions are executed.
  3. Transaction Execution:
    • When a new transaction is received by the Ethereum client, it is added to the transaction pool.
    • The client selects transactions from the pool and executes them against its local copy of the state database.
    • During the execution, the client applies the state transitions specified by the transaction, such as transferring funds, updating account balances, or executing smart contract code.
    • The client follows the rules and consensus mechanisms of the Ethereum protocol to ensure that the state transitions are valid and consistent with the rest of the network.
  4. State Transitions:
    • As transactions are executed, they trigger state transitions in the Ethereum state.
    • These state transitions include changes to account balances, contract storage, and other relevant data.
    • The client updates its local state database to reflect these state transitions, keeping it in sync with the state of the Ethereum network.
  5. Block Production (for mining nodes):
    • Mining nodes, which participate in the block production process, bundle the executed transactions into a new block.
    • They solve a computational puzzle (proof-of-work) to find a valid block hash that meets the network's difficulty target.
    • Once a valid block is found, the mining node broadcasts it to the network, and other nodes validate and add the block to their local copy of the blockchain.

By maintaining a local copy of the blockchain and the state database, Ethereum clients can independently execute transactions and reproduce the state transitions. This allows them to validate the integrity of the blockchain, participate in the consensus process, and provide services like the Trace API that require replaying transactions and inspecting the internal state.

It's important to note that the specific implementation details and optimizations may vary between different Ethereum clients. Some clients may use different data structures or synchronization strategies to improve performance and efficiency. However, the general principles of maintaining a local copy of the blockchain and reproducing state transitions remain the same across clients.

How the Trace API works.

  1. Re-execution of Transactions:
    • When you make a request to the Trace API for a specific transaction, the Ethereum client re-executes (or simulates) the transaction in the same order as it was committed to the blockchain.
    • The client starts from the blockchain state at the block where the transaction was included and replays the transaction step by step.
    • It follows the same execution path and applies the same state transitions as the original execution.
  2. Retrieving Off-Chain Data:
    • During the re-execution process, the Trace API has access to the internal state of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) at each step of the transaction execution.
    • This includes information such as the opcodes being executed, the contents of the EVM memory and stack, the gas consumed at each step, and the intermediate state changes.
    • The Trace API captures this detailed execution data, which is not directly stored on the blockchain itself. The blockchain only stores the final state after the transaction is executed, not the intermediate steps.
  3. Generated Data:
    • The off-chain data retrieved by the Trace API is generated each time the API is called and the transaction is re-executed.
    • It is not stored persistently anywhere, as it can be quite large and would require significant storage resources to keep all the detailed execution traces for every transaction.
    • Instead, the Trace API generates the data on-demand by replaying the transaction and capturing the necessary information.
  4. Performance Considerations:
    • Re-executing transactions and generating the trace data can be computationally expensive, especially for complex transactions or smart contracts with many steps.
    • The Trace API is primarily used for debugging, analysis, and forensic purposes, rather than being relied upon for real-time or high-volume data retrieval.
    • It's not feasible to store the detailed execution traces for every transaction due to the storage overhead and the computational cost of generating them.
  5. Limitations:
    • The Trace API is dependent on the Ethereum client implementation and may not be available in all clients or may have different capabilities and performance characteristics.
    • It is not part of the core Ethereum protocol and is considered an additional feature provided by certain clients.
    • The Trace API is not guaranteed to be reliable or consistent across different clients or versions, and its availability and functionality may change over time.

In summary, the Trace API re-executes transactions in the same order as they were committed to the blockchain, allowing it to retrieve off-chain data from the EVM. This data is generated on-demand each time the API is called and is not stored persistently. The Trace API provides a powerful tool for debugging and analyzing smart contract executions, but it comes with performance considerations and is not part of the core Ethereum protocol.

Transaction Trie

Let's break down the statement and provide definitions and illustrations to help clarify the concepts.

  1. Transactions and Receipts:
    • Transactions: In Ethereum, transactions are signed instructions sent from one account to another. They can be used to transfer Ether, deploy smart contracts, or interact with existing contracts. Transactions are the fundamental way users interact with the Ethereum network.
    • Receipts: Receipts are generated after a transaction is executed and contain information about the transaction's outcome. They include details such as the transaction hash, block number, gas used, logs generated, and the status of the transaction (success or failure).
  2. Transaction Trie and Receipts Trie:
    • Trie: A trie, short for "retrieval trie," is a tree-like data structure used in Ethereum to efficiently store and retrieve data. It is an implementation of a Merkle Patricia Trie.
    • Transaction Trie: The Transaction Trie is a trie data structure that stores all the transactions included in a particular block. Each transaction is hashed and inserted into the trie, forming a unique path from the root to the leaf node representing the transaction.
    • Receipts Trie: The Receipts Trie is a trie data structure that stores the receipts generated for each transaction in a block. Similar to the Transaction Trie, each receipt is hashed and inserted into the trie.


  ├── Header
  │     ├── Transaction Trie Root
  │     └── Receipts Trie Root
  ├── Transaction Trie
  │     ├── Transaction 1
  │     ├── Transaction 2
  │     └── ...
  └── Receipts Trie
        ├── Receipt 1
        ├── Receipt 2
        └── ...
  1. Independent Transaction Trie and Receipts Trie per Block:
    • In Ethereum, each block has its own Transaction Trie and Receipts Trie.
    • This means that the transactions and receipts included in a particular block are stored separately from those in other blocks.
    • Having independent tries for each block allows for efficient retrieval and verification of transactions and receipts specific to a given block.
  2. Block Headers and Trie Roots:
    • Block Header: The block header is a data structure that contains metadata about a block, such as the block number, timestamp, previous block hash, and the roots of the Transaction Trie and Receipts Trie.
    • Trie Roots: The roots of the Transaction Trie and Receipts Trie are stored in the block header. These roots are the top-level hashes that represent the entire trie structure for the transactions and receipts in that block.
    • By storing the trie roots in the block header, the integrity of the transactions and receipts can be efficiently verified without needing to store the entire trie data in the header itself.


Block Header
  ├── Block Number
  ├── Timestamp
  ├── Previous Block Hash
  ├── Transaction Trie Root
  └── Receipts Trie Root

In summary, transactions and receipts in Ethereum are committed to the blockchain using the Transaction Trie and Receipts Trie data structures. Each block has its own independent tries for storing transactions and receipts. The roots of these tries, which represent the entire trie structure, are stored in the block headers. This design allows for efficient storage, retrieval, and verification of transactions and receipts within the Ethereum blockchain.

Sync Committee

Let's break down the concept of Sync Committees and their role in the Ethereum network after the Altair hardfork.

  1. Altair Hardfork:
    • The Altair hardfork was an upgrade to the Ethereum network that introduced several new features and improvements, including the Sync Committee mechanism.
    • It was activated on the Ethereum mainnet on October 27, 2021, at epoch 74240.
  2. Light Client Subprotocol:
    • Ethereum provides a light client subprotocol, which allows nodes to participate in the network without downloading and verifying the entire blockchain history.
    • Light clients rely on trusted block headers to verify the validity of the blockchain state and transactions.
    • The Sync Committee mechanism was introduced to enhance the security and efficiency of light client verification.
  3. Sync Committee:
    • A Sync Committee is a group of validators randomly selected from the active validator set in the Ethereum network.
    • The committee is responsible for validating blocks and signing the block headers.
    • The purpose of the Sync Committee is to provide a compact and efficient way for light clients to verify the validity of block headers without needing to process the entire block.
  4. Block Header Signing:
    • Each member of the Sync Committee signs the block header of the blocks they validate.
    • The signatures are aggregated into a single signature, which is included in the block header itself.
    • The aggregated signature serves as proof that the block has been validated and accepted by the Sync Committee.
  5. Light Client Verification:
    • Light clients can rely on the Sync Committee signatures to verify the validity of block headers.
    • Instead of downloading and verifying the entire block, light clients only need to check the aggregated signature in the block header against the known public keys of the Sync Committee members.
    • If the signature is valid and signed by a sufficient number of committee members, the light client can trust that the block has been accepted by the network.
  6. Cheap Verification:
    • The Sync Committee mechanism enables cheap verification of block headers for light clients.
    • Light clients can sync with the Ethereum network and verify the validity of blocks without the need to download and process the entire blockchain.
    • This reduces the resource requirements and costs associated with participating in the Ethereum network as a light client.


Block Header
  ├── Block Number
  ├── Timestamp
  ├── Previous Block Hash
  ├── State Root
  ├── Transaction Root
  ├── Sync Committee Signature
  └── ...

In summary, the Sync Committee is a group of validators introduced in the Altair hardfork of Ethereum. They are responsible for validating blocks and signing the block headers. The aggregated signature of the Sync Committee in the block header serves as proof that the block has been accepted by the network. This mechanism enables light clients to cheaply verify the validity of blocks without downloading and processing the entire blockchain, enhancing the efficiency and security of the Ethereum network for light client participation.
