Reps-Enjoyment Matrix


Monday, July 24, 2023

Here is something that is fairly straightforward, but I think it's a good way to hone in one side projects and small bets.

Two elements are essential: frequency of reps and the degree of enjoyment.

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I think the journey, and something that often needs self-discovery, is the enjoyment level.

But here's the thing (and perhaps I write about this later) it should be about the process, not necessarily the topic.

"Passion" comes from mastery, so one way to go to the Flywheel is to start in the "Burnout" section, which is high reps but low initial enjoyment with the goal to achieve mastery and, mastery in that area, can lead to enjoyment.

But it doesn't always. So it's not that simple.

Finding that point of enjoyment is very much a The Personal Idea Maze.