Certainty in Times of Inflection


Why do narratives drive human behavior?

Prospet Theory formalized the concept of risk averness and risk seeking depending on conditions and anchoring, whether there is more to gain or to lose.

The crypto side is potentially explained by fear of loss: a more certain loss is more painful than the probability of year a bigger loss.

Narratives, in times of inflection, provide people with a form o ground truth.

It's "sense making" when the world doesn't make sense.

To me, the marketing mindset of narratives starts with a desire to change minds to the narrator's point of view. It's driven by persuasion and, to some degree, manipulation.

Embarking on a narrative creation exercise with this goal will fail. It's built on sinking sand .

The starting point for creating narratives, the kinds that have meaningful impact and can potentially withstand the winds of counter narratives, need to begin from one's foundations.

But are there narratives that have been built solely for the purpose of manipulation, misinfinromation and deceipt?

Certainly. In fact, it is into this storm that the Narrator must enter.

A good narrative cuts through this by starting from the Narator's deep belief and conviction that the story they are telling is truth telling, not fable.

This isn't for posturing.

It's for clarity of thought. For tapping into the deeper human elements, the primal components of being a story teller.

I suppose one could fake it to they made it.

And there's nothing to stop this.

The truth is out there.

Committing to being a truth teller versus a message seller isn't woo woo. I do think it will help with your project and agenda.

Scamming is so prevalent, people are able to sniff it out. They may not know it. They honestly may o t even think it. Maybe many will follow in the beginning.

We see it all the time now.

People want a compelling narrative to follow.

But if your narrative, for example, must not only drive customers, investors, as well as your employees, is mass delusion really the right objective?

Now, what is truth?

It's very likely your narrative and countless other narratives hae story tellers who truly believe they are speaking the truth. And they fail. They don't turn out to be true. Nobody believes them.

In facdt, snt it the case that the truth tellers are killed?

So the grounding in the truth does not guarantee practical returns. Seeking truth and speaking the truth, however, is just a way of being that makes the exercise of telling narratives a higher purpose.

I personally believe that these are more meaningful projects, and have a higher likelyhood for success.

IN a way, if fewer charlatans tried to tell narratives, or even better, the truth tellers stood out in a sea of marketers and shellack-covering, then I think the world could be such a better place.

My goal is tell people and truth tellers how to evoke this truth. How to draw from an inner conviction. and perhaps illustrate aspects of the truth, to show what truthful narratives really look like, such that the rest of the world pick up on the counterfeit.

There's an apocryphal saying that the IRS is trained on how to deterct counterfeits not by studying counterfeits, but by indulging in true dollar bills.

I'd say, similarly, millions of poeple understand what real money, sound money, looks like with greater clarity now that Bitcoin has arrived than before.

So let me start there: the narrative you convey comes deep within you as a person, and also must tap ever fiber of thinking, understanding, and insight.

It's not for the weak.

Truth telling never is.