Protocol Design Canvas

Inspired by the Business Model Canvas, I took a stab at designing a canvas for the Protocol.

I know other work has been done on this.[1] This version addresses a slightly different take, but has plenty of overlap.

Before describing it, I'll talk about why I built mine the way I did.

protocol design canvas v1 1.png

Here are images for the respective approaches:

The first article on the token utility canvas: Designing for user-focused incentives using a Token utility canvas | by Geoff Le Fevre | Outlier Ventures | Medium

And a blockchain specific version:

I think we can start to build upon this piece by piece, and perhaps we can do so without the focus primarily on the Token, but instead on the Customer and then figure out how to layer in the token design.

  1. Introducing The Protocol Canvas — Designing better decentralized protocols | by Rahul Rumalla | Paperchain | Medium ↩ī¸Ž